Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Happy Holidays, Adam lovers.

It is time for another installment of all things Adam.

Adam is getting ready for the holidays. He is very jolly (and his claws and teeth often feel like holly!). He watched as the lobby was decorated the other day and then had some serious musings for me. He understands that greenery and twinkly lights are part of human holiday celebrations. He has seen the menorah and the candles and thinks that they look cool. But he has some serious thoughts about some holiday songs that he has heard people singing lately when they clean his suite.

Since Chanukah was early this year, thoughts of turkey had not even passed when Adam began to hear “The Dreidel Song.”

I heard people singing this song about a dreidel, Adam explained to me. I have no idea what that is, but it is made out of clay and when it’s dry and ready, it will be played. Well this causes me some concern! Wet is better than dry when it comes to food. But I like to play. Should I leave the dreidel moist and yummy, or should I wait for it to get dry and play with it? What a dilemma!

Recently he heard someone singing “Jingle Bells” in the hallway.

Says Adam, Jingle Bells sound like fun! I love jingle balls, and jingle bells must be almost the same. I could bat them all over Suite C and have a blast. I am confused as to what dashing through snow is. I‘ve seen snow but never saw anyone dashing through it before. I also don’t know what a one-horse open sleigh is, but I am willing to find out. Horses smell really awesome!

Adam continued, I also heard someone singing a song about a guy named Santa Claus. Apparently he’s coming to town, and he knows if you’ve been naughty or nice! I think I might be in a bit of trouble with this man. I try so hard to be nice. I rub people and love them. But they get upset with me when I love them with my teeth and claws. I don’t mean to hurt them, but I think I do! I just get so excited to see them. Maybe Santa will understand that I am being overly affectionate? The only naughty things I do are pee and poop outside the box and beat up other kitties. Santa has to understand the first one because he loves all little children and creatures. He must know that I was born that way and can’t help it.

He might not be quite so understanding of the part about beating up the other kitties. I just get so mad when a person pays attention to someone else. I get all crazy and I jump on that kitty and bite them! I am very concerned that all I will get this year is a lump of coal from Santa. Maybe he will be forgiving? I promise to try harder. After all, “Wacky Jackie” moved into Suite C recently and she is really difficult to get along with. I haven’t beaten her up yet (as far as the humans know, that is!)

Finally, Adam told me, I keep hearing a song that says “There’s no place like home for the holidays…”. That song sounds so nice. It makes me wonder what home is like. I love it here at Tabby’s Place, but I dream of having my own home someday. The kitties here all talk about it. We know that Trey just got his own home and we’re all a bit jealous. I also heard that Ada, a cat from Suite B who has similar spinal problems (which led to the other more “icky” issues that I have) has recently been given a home as well. Maybe there is hope for me after all. I’ll write Santa a note and ask him about finding just the right people. But he can take his time, because Tabby’s Place is a fine place to be while I wait. I have the best sponsors in the whole wide world looking out for me and loving me!

So special sponsors, there you have it. Adam is a music lover! Who knew he could learn so many great lessons just from hearing his people singing the songs of the season? So for now, “Let there be peace on earth”… and in Adam’s world. Have a wonderful holiday season, my friends, and keep singing. You never know who might be listening!