Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Greetings to Adam’s sponsors.

Can you believe it is November already? Adam knows this is the season of Thanksgiving, and he sends you many thanks for caring so much about him. He is always grateful to know that you love him just as he is.

It has been a tumultuous month for our wild boy. Following his move to Suite A, Adam became constipated, to the point of requiring enemas and a stay in our hospital. Although his health has since rebounded, Adam has yet to make peace with his new environment. To put it bluntly, he’s at his craziest and most hyperactive…ever. He’s also lost a bit of weight.

Not helping matters is neighbor Sam’s tendency to dominate the solarium. If Adam (or any cat) attempts to head outdoors, Sam chases him back indoors. We’re considering crating Sam for a period of time each day, to allow Adam and the others to enjoy the outdoors.

Adam really is having adjustment issues. When I visit with him, it’s as if his eyes are spinning in his adorable little head. He is really agitated. He has just started taking a behavioral medication to help ease some of his anxiety and hopefully help him calm down and be an approachable cat once again.

As you know, I had made a lot of progress getting Adam to accept petting without needing to affectionately maul his admirer. He was even wonderful with the camp kids back in the summer.

I was so excited by the progress that he had made and was looking forward to seeing Adam continue to grow as a friendly, appropriately affectionate cat. Well, we have some remedial work to do. I will continue to do exactly what I did before: talk to him calmly, not allow him to climb on me or use his paw to swipe at me, and work on petting him gently on the top of the head (which is the one part of his body that doesn’t seem to overstimulate him). I will also play with him with feather toys on a regular basis. This really helped expend a lot of his pent-up energy in the past, and hopefully it will help him again.

It would be nice if Sam would let Adam outdoors, because the fresh air really seems to help Adam stay calm. He likes to watch birds and squirrels, and this also helps to stimulate him in an appropriate way so he doesn’t attack the people who love him.

I am confident that, with a lot of patience, consistency and love, Adam will quickly become the loving kitty that he was a few short months ago. In the meantime, thank you so much for your support. If you happen to be in the area and get a chance to visit Adam, be sure to help him re-learn his social graces. He would appreciate all of the loving help he can get!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We at Tabby’s Place are grateful to you, each and every day.