Update for Adam

Update for Adam

Hello Adam friends,

Welcome to July! So far, this month has been wonderful for Adam. He is having a blast attending Tabby’s Place Camp! This summer we are trying a little experiment here at Tabby’s Place. We have two weeks with kids coming to Tabby’s to learn about cats and help take care of them. Each day the kids do a craft for the cats (make blankies, catnip toys, wand toys, etc.), feed and give water to the cats in all of the rooms (learning about special diets and having to flex their math muscles to figure out how many cups of food), spend time playing with the cats, and write about the cats in their special cat journals. They also have guest speakers every day to talk to them about cat issues such as TNR, behavior, and medical concerns. The kids have been having a great time, and so has Adam.

Adam has been getting a lot of play time with these children. He looks forward to them coming into his room and playing with the feather toys that they made for him. There were two girls who particularly loved going into suite C and playing with Adam. He was jumping and dancing all over the room! Whenever they would leave to go and visit the other cats, Adam would stand with his face pressed to the glass looking into the lobby. A few of the kids were often out there playing with Annie and Oksana, and Adam would look out as if to say, “Where did you go? Don’t you love me anymore?” Honestly, he was so cute and pathetic, the kids couldn’t resist him for long and they were back in his room playing with him again.

The best news is that for the entire week of camp, I did not witness even one argument between Adam and Mango, or any other cat for that matter. Adam has been very content. It may be that the weather has been nice and Adam has been spending a lot of time in the solarium. It may be that all of the playtime has exhausted Adam and left him feeling mellow. It may be the two new cats, Maxine and Pecan, who have moved into the suite are changing the dynamic. I don’t know, but he is happier and calmer than I have seen in a while.

The absolute best news is that while the kids were in Suite C, I was always a little worried that Adam would nip or scratch at them and that they wouldn’t like him. He was so good. He would occasionally put his paws up on one of the kids’ chests, but he never really went after them in his Adam-y way. I did teach the kids early in the week that if Adam wasn’t being appropriate, they should not play with him and tell him that he needs to behave if he wants to play. It seems to have worked, because our tabby cutie is doing beautifully!

Adam and I send you lots of love from Tabby’s Place. We hope your summer is going swimmingly and as always, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your love and support!