Fell for the V

How do you explain five impossible adoptions? There’s only one answer. They fell for the V.
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Meaty meaning

In 2023, it’s excruciatingly easy to live inside our heads. Fortunately, we are surrounded by beefy beasts who will drag us out to play.
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Kevved up

It’s happening, kittens. The cats and the moon are communicating. Conspiring. Collaborating. Celebrating a little too early. How else to explain the coming of Kevin?
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Guest post: The weight of the matter

We’re at that time of year when weight obsession — following the glut of year-end and start of the year festivities — has wasted away to practically nothing. We’re on the cusp of the time of the year when the full girth of weight obsession will begin again, as we move past thinking of warming […]
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Guest post: Potent purrables

Don’t know about you, but I could really use a drink just about now. Of course, I’ll heed my father’s advice and hold off: when you “need” a drink it’s the time to not have one. Instead, blog. That last wasn’t a thing when my dad was on this side of the rainbow bridge, but […]
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Storming the Bastille, la première partie

This is a public service announcement: you now have one month to finalize your plans for Bastille Day 2014. Time’s wasting, kittens. Fortunately, a certain Tabby’s Place alumna — make that ancienne étudiante — has some inspiration for you.
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As(tor) you like it

I was going to begin this post, “I like big cats and I cannot lie.” But even I have more dignity than that. Or, at least, the cats do.
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FDA Warning about Vetsulin (r)

Just a few days ago, the FDA issues an alert about Vetsulin®, a type of insulin created for cats (and dogs). We have quite a few diabetics at Tabby’s Place. Most of them use glargine, but two of them were on Vetsulin. I suspect some of you have diabetic cats, so I wanted to make […]
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