Update for TNR Fund

Update for TNR Fund

Happy New Year, community cat champs!

I hope your 2016 is off to a stellar start and only gets better. That’s certainly the story you’ve set in motion for our formerly free-roaming felines this month.

Indeed, what a difference a month or two makes. This time in November, a couple of pillow-footed cats were painfully padding around the great outdoors in agony. Another few weeks, and they’d have been goners.

Instead, they found a haven and healing at Tabby’s Place. And, all of a sudden, they found that they were fond of our species. Extremely fond.

That’s where we last left Socks and Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants (pictured here) last month, and it’s been a joyful January for both of the boys.

Along with their troubled tootsies, we discovered that both of our boys have feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). The bad news, of course, is that this is “one more thing” that could scare off potential adopters.

Could. But “could” ain’t “will.” Allow me to explain.

Although it’s gotten a bad rap, FIV is anything but a death sentence. Like most cats with the virus, Socks and Mr. GFP almost certainly received it on the wrong end of a nasty outdoor cat fight. The only way cats can transmit FIV is through deep bite wounds, so our sweet boys were likely battered by tougher toms out there. They’re infected for life…but it need not affect their lives in any significant way.

FIV suppresses a cat’s immune response, so Mr. GFP and Socks are a bit more susceptible than the average cat to viruses. They are not, however…

1. “Sick”

2. Suffering any symptoms

and certainly not
3. Fixin’ to die

With vigilant monitoring for any signs of infection, they can live lives as long, lovely and robustly healthy as any other cat.

Which brings me to yesterday’s “yippeeeee!” news.

The lads had hardly been living in Suite FIV (with fellow TNR alumna Adelaide) for a week when it happened. Along came a huge-hearted man…and he only had eyes for our FIV+ cats. The only struggle was which one he’d choose: our long-haired love or white-toed treasure.

In the end, bashful Socks edged out our grey glamour guy. But don’t weep for Mr. GFP; in addition to a featured spot in our local newspaper, he’s attracted the affection of so many Tabby’s Place volunteers, the suite feels like a Tom Jones concert these days.

Can adoption be far behind?

Whether it’s days or years in the making, this much is sure: Mr. GFP and his pillowy feet are safe, secure, and loved to the utmost. That has everything to do with you…and you have every inch of our thanks.

Have a beautiful month, and thank you for making miracles for our community cats!