Update for Scoots

Update for Scoots

Scoots at play

Dear Sponsors of Scoots, 

Summer has officially arrived. It’s hot and steamy outside, but the AC is cranking in the Community Room. I either need a sweater or a warm kitty to snuggle. Scoots is always happy to oblige. She is sitting on her pink bed on my desk taking a bath as I type.

Puzzle and Scoots share a snuggle

Scoots loves her pink bed. There is nothing particularly special about this bed from the human perspective, but that matters not to Scoots. It is perfectly sized, and not too plush, which makes it easy for her to crawl into and also easy to drag around to a new location. Scoots has settled into life in the Community Room. She is now accepting of love from many more folks and is happy to curl up in a lap, or on any desk, that presents itself. In a never before witnessed encounter, Scoots was even willing to share her napping desk of the hour with Puzzle!

She’s making friends, but these things take time. June and Scoots have been observed in close proximity doing what can only be interpreted as “trying to play.” I don’t think either one has ever really had a feline playmate, so this is new territory for both of them. Scoots approaches Hunts as if to play, but it seems that Hunts isn’t sure what to do with her when she scoots up and sniffs his tail. But Scoots has her eye on a new prospect. Nina has cerebellum hyperplasia, so she has trouble with balance. She moved into the Community Room just this week. Scoots is rather fascinated by this new cat that moves like no cat she has seen before. Both are under a year and very playful, so perhaps they’ll figure something out together.

Scoots checking out Nina

Scoots contracted an upper respiratory infection this month. It started with a cough and runny nose and now includes conjunctivitis of the left eye. Antibiotics are helping to clear that up, but our little girl is none too fond of her oral or optical medications. 

We’ve learned this month that scooting on the community room floor leads to a bit of a mess. While June gets the occasional fur mat from sliding through something sticky, Scoots is constantly grimy on the underbelly. She tries to keep herself tidy, but she moves around much more than June. June will curl up on a bed while the floor is being mopped, but Scoots will cruise all over the wet floor. Wet fur is much more likely to pick up dust and dirt than dry fur. And so, Scoots is perpetually in need of a belly bath! She does not appreciate the assistance we try to provide in this department. She grumbles her complaints but easily forgives.

Your correspondent,