Update for Sammy

Update for Sammy

Dear Supporters of Sammy,

All is well in Sammy’s world. She continues to hang out in the Community Room, flitting from place to place. Sure, she has her favorites — topmost among them Pixie‘s window box, where she can gaze out at the birds flying by or watch all the wonderful people who come to visit Tabby’s Place.

And she continues to “get along” with her various roommates. Kitties come and go at Tabby’s Place, so the Community Room can sometimes seem as if it has a revolving door, but Sammy doesn’t seem to mind or pay particular attention to the new faces.

If I were the romantic type I’d say that Sammy lost her heart to Max, and since they’ve been separated due to health issues on Max’s end, she’s never quite warmed up to any other cat. Is she patiently waiting for Max to return? Or did she decide that a relationship with any other cat can never match the special times she had with Max?

In the meantime, Sammy continues to have good health. She seems quite happy and content in the Community Room. When I was visited her recently she was perched on the cat tree in the corner, looking very comfortable — when suddenly she got up, took a few steps, then jumped over the top of the plexiglass into Pixie’s window box. Very elegant. Very quick. And immediately she settled, basking in the sun streaming through the window.

Sammy and I wish to thank you, as always, for your continued generosity to Tabby’s Place. Enjoy the beautiful cooler weather that’s finally arrived!