Update for Sammy

Update for Sammy

Dear friends of Sammy,

Visiting Sammy used to be a breeze. I used to march into the suite, walk across the room, and pet her, simple as that. Now I enter the suite, acutely aware of Leila and how she is sure to react. I tell myself – don’t just barge in and go straight towards Sammy. Pay attention to Leila first. Those few minutes will make all the difference.

So armed with this plan a few weeks ago, I entered the suite. I spotted Sammy sitting on the chair. Leila jumped off her perch to come over for her usual petting. So acting according to my plan, I shot Sammy a subtle wink (knowing she was watching my every move) and spent some time petting Leila. Finally, I went over to Sammy and began to pet her. It was great to see her on the chair, because when she’s there I feel she’s more comfortable in her surroundings.

All was going well, until Leila moved closer, not to Sammy, but to Max, who was minding his own business, snoozing. Max reacted and there was a skirmish between the two of them. Leila, to avoid Max, backed into Sammy, and then there was skirmish number two.

But as quickly as it started, it ended. Sammy, obviously perturbed, jumped down from the chair and retreated to her cat tree. Leila went to the opposite side of the suite, and Max resettled himself into his snooze. Wow! I didn’t blame Sammy one bit for needing some peace and quiet.

On another day, Leila knocked a clipboard the staff uses down onto the floor, which startled Max and Sammy for a split second, but overall the month has been a quiet one. It’s a joy to come to visit and discover Sammy and Max together on the same chair. And it’s a joy to report that Sammy is doing well medically and looking forward to the holidays.

We thank you, as always, for your continued generous support of Tabby’s Place, and we send our best wishes to you and your family during this holiday season.