Update for Sammy

Update for Sammy

Dear Supporters of Sammy,

Last month, I was almost convinced I’d found the magic tool to lure Sammy out of her cubby. It didn’t work every time, but it was nice to know that I could wield a little magic now and then in the suite.

Fast forward to this month. I sauntered into Adoption Room #2, and, to my shock and amazement Sammy and Max were sitting together on the chair, looking just as comfortable as they could be. For me, this was quite an unusual sight. For whatever reason, Sammy had decided to come out and trust that things would just be all right.

She gave me the once-over as I opened the door and walked in, but she didn’t bolt or even look nervous. I slowed my pace as I walked towards her, and everything was fine. She stared up at me. I stopped when I reached her and Max. I petted Max first, and Sammy waited patiently. It was at this point that I realized I’d forgotten the purple grooming tool. Darn it.

Well, maybe I didn’t need it. Maybe I could just pet her, and she’d stick around.

I leaned over to pet Sammy, and sure enough, I heard her begin to purr. For a second, just a second, I hesitated. Maybe this wasn’t Sammy, but an incredible Sammy look alike. But, no, it was Sammy. Great. I heard some talking in the hallway, but I figured the suite had already been cleaned, and I would have the entire place to myself. No one would disturb us.


Before I could blink my eye, the door to Adoption Room #2 opened, and a volunteer entered, carrying a fountain that she’d just meticulously cleaned. She put it on the floor and proceeded to set it up. Well, that was all Sammy needed. No longer comfortable, she bolted across the table, onto the cat tree, and back into the cubby.

Five seconds later, the volunteer left, and I thought, what a shame! It was just a mixture of poor timing and the fact that I forgot that darned grooming tool.

I continued to pet Max, and then Tux came over. He wanted in on the act, but Sammy stayed glued to her cubby. She watched me, curious, but she was not going anywhere. Okay. I decided to get the grooming tool and see if it would work its magic. So I went all the way back across the lobby, into the laundry area, and found the very same purple groomer. By the time I got back, the cubby was empty, and Sammy was nowhere to be found. What??

I finally located her under the chair. I showed her the tool. I promised to give her the best massage ever, but she looked at me as if to say, you had your chance, and I’m not budging for nobody. I groomed everybody in the suite but Sammy, but I thought, there was always next week, and then I’ll get her.

And, at least I had the sweet satisfaction of grooming her buddy Max, who continues to be in good spirits despite frail health. The upside of this unfortunate medical situation is that Max and the rest of the gang in the suite are being inundated with visitors and well wishers, which is always a wonderful thing!

As always, Sammy and I thank you for your continued generosity.