Update for Sammy

Update for Sammy

Dear supporters of Sammy,

There’s been quite a change in geography at Tabby’s Place this month, and all for the good.

When you have volunteered for as long as I have, you grow used to the layout. The Community Room, containing the staff’s collective office space, is to the right when you walk in the main door. Adoption Rooms are to your left.

Well, in April, the three Adoption Rooms — including Sammy’s longtime home, Adoption Room #2 — were turned into offices. The cats living there were reassigned to different quarters. Sammy and her dear friend Max got to move into the newly refurbished Community Room, now a bright, open, window-filled space with lots of room for stretching and playing.

When I first heard the news, I thought only of myself and how I would feel. Change is never easy, and I was immediately worried that Sammy would find the change from Adoption Room #2 to the larger Community Room a bit daunting.

I was afraid that, since Sammy is on the shy side, she would immediately retreat inside herself. I assumed this move would not be easy for Sammy.

But then I went and visited her. I looked around and remembered that this space had windows to the outside. I have four cats at home, and I know for a fact how my cats love to sit in the windows and look at the birds and squirrels. So, that one feature alone was positive for Sammy.

The space was also much larger, which would provide Sammy a greater opportunity to walk around and explore and meet new friends. She could keep busy and interested, and she’d be better stimulated.

Sure, it will take Sammy awhile to acclimate to the space. There have been some minor bumps in the road. All the Community Room newbies started out in large crates, so they could get used to each other — and the new space — visually and by smell before having to interact. Initially, the staff put Sammy and Max together in the same cage, but quickly decided to separate them when they both became a little agitated. Change is hard, but I’m confident this new space is a good thing for Sammy. As you can see above, she’s already enjoying exploring the ample vertical space in her new digs.

Well, there’s never a dull moment. Be sure to tune in next month for the latest on how Sammy and Max weather this new environment.

In the meantime, thanks again for your continued generous support. Enjoy the lovely spring!