Update for Sammy

Update for Sammy

Dear supporters of Sammy,

I am thrilled to report that Sammy is settling into her new abode in the Community Room quite nicely. The other day, when I sauntered in to pay her a visit, she was lounging contentedly on top of one of the cages, her eyes closed, her body completely relaxed. Sammy’s buddy Max was lounging about two inches from her. What a sight to see! In fact, within a matter of minutes, Max shifted his tail and rested it protectively right on top of Sammy.

Not that Sammy needs protection, of course, but still, it was nice to see. Despite the fact that Sammy seems so much calmer, she and Max have continued their amazingly supportive relationship. For so long, Sammy seemed to need and want the protection of a cubby, and now she is able to relax out in the open, which is a big step in the right direction.

I also noticed that when I petted Sammy, she didn’t seem nervous or fearful, but rather was able to relax and enjoy the attention.When I gazed around the Community Room, the other cats also seemed happy and content to be there. Some were napping peacefully. One cat was drinking out of the water fountain. One was staring out of the window that overlooks the parking lot. One was strolling through the room.

On the other side of the large room, cubicles are set up, which insures that a steady stream of people come in to do their work and, of course, pet the cats. So this move benefits Sammy wonderfully!

Sammy and I thank you for your continued support. Enjoy the lovely spring weather, and if you can, drop in for a visit.