Update for Rose

Update for Rose

Dear Friends,

Love is in the air, and I do love me some romance on Valentine’s Day, and every day of the year.  I am sending lots of love your way and thank you for being my sweet sponsor!  May I call you my Valentine?

Happy weather news!  The li’l groundhog did not see his shadow, and I reckon that means we will have an early spring, yay!  Visions of outdoor stroller rides and visits to the senior centers in Aged to Purrfection fill my head.  We have had a pretty mild winter, and honestly, I would love some snow.  For a li’l black and white kitty who was born in the south, I sure love watching snowflakes.  I can stand by the lobby door for hours watching the beautiful swirling snowflakes.  I look at the different shapes of the flakes and picture different kinds of cats at Tabby’s Place.  My correspondent showed me a picture of a “snowcat” (a snowman that looked like a big cat).  That would be purrfect for Tabby’s Place, maybe next winter.

Tabby’s Place continues to buzz with activities as we are just 2 months into the new year.  We have welcomed many visitors, adopters, new volunteers, and new kitty residents.  My correspondent thinks I should wear a sash (like a beauty contestant) marking me as “Miss Greeter.”  I think a pink sash to match my pink certified therapy scarf is in order.  Do you agree?

We continue to enjoy the generous gifts from the holidays, especially the cardboard boxes.  I like boxes because they feel like secret clubhouses, and no one can see us.  I am always looking into the suite windows to see which cats get the cardboard boxes first, it is like a reality show competition.  I enjoy “visiting” the cats through the suite windows.  Being in the lobby gives me so much freedom to walk around.  The most playful award goes to the FeLV kitties who have enough energy to power the sanctuary.  We just welcomed a new lobby resident, li’l Cotton the kitten.  He is white, fluffy, and looks like a little cotton ball.  Cotton is from the country of Lebanon, far away from Ringoes.  I understand that he fell from a balcony and lost his feet.  I stand by his playpen throughout the day to be sure he feels safe and welcome.  Cotton and I are both in the diapie club (I might have to teach him how to remove his diapie when he is older —this is our secret).

On February 14, 2014, my very first special needs sponsor update was created.  My correspondent took her responsibility seriously, and we spent a lot of time together getting to know each other.  Back then the special needs suite was the current kitten room.  It is funny, I used to look into the lobby and wish that one day I could live there.  Wow, 6 years later, I am a very lucky lobby cat resident.  Rose trivia, who was my BFF snuggle buddy in 2014?  Drumroll please, it was none other than the handsome gray cat named Boom.

Look how little I was!

Health Update:  This month I have been in good spirits.  My upper respiratory infection has resolved, yeah!  I have had several episodes of loose stools and have received more frequent bathing.  The upside to bathing is that afterward I get to go diapie free, and air dry—ahhh.  Despite receiving some beautiful new diapies, I continue to perform my Houdini act in the lobby and find that using my teeth helps in the diapie removal process.

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!  Sending you whisker kisses filled with sweet treats and love!

Love, Rose
(With help from your correspondent, Ilene)