Update for Pepita

Update for Pepita

Dear Pepita Lovers,

Summer officially began last month and it is clearly here to stay in Ringoes.  Hot and humid days with lots of thunderstorms. This causes a dilemma for our sweetheart. “Shall I be out in the heat of the solarium or stay inside where it is cool?” she ponders. Though you know that Pepita is a solarium lover, I have found her to be inside more often than out there when the weather is just a bit too sticky and hot for a comfortable solarium nap. She is not particular about exactly where she is when the treats arrive from me. You can see her smacking her lips in one of the photos. Our girl does enjoy her treats!

Pepita’s weight has slowly been going down over the last month. We monitor her closely for this, but it is a pattern that she has experienced previously. Our vet team ran a new series of tests and she had elevated white blood cell and platelet counts. Further tests are being sent out for examination. Her skin is looking good, but she will remain on allergy medications for life as her skin responds well to treatment and flares up whenever we stop.

In my last update, I mentioned the super exciting groundbreaking for the Quinn’s Corner expansion at Tabby’s Place. It was a beautiful ceremony, so if you’d like to watch it in full or in part and hear the wonderful speakers, see the Quinn’s Corner groundbreaking ceremony video. The expansion, as you may recall, will enable us to care for feline leukemia-positive cats as well as neo-natal kittens.

The very next day the construction equipment appeared and the work began in earnest.  I must admit I was a little taken aback when I drove into Tabby’s Place parking lot the next Sunday and saw so much of the surrounding grass torn up and getting prepared for the foundation pouring that was to happen as a first step.

The construction fun begins in earnest

A month later, we can see the amazing progress, and all of us are extremely excited to be associated with an organization that is undertaking this major expansion. The cats are excited as well, and those with a front of the building view from the Community Room, get the best view of the happenings.

Tux, enjoying the construction activity from his perch in the Community Room

I’ve included a picture of Tux, an elder statesman in the Community Room, who is checking out the happenings.  Pepita’s suite is on the opposite side of Tabby’s Place and the view from the solarium doesn’t offer much in the way of seeing what is happening with the construction. But there’s a benefit to that. The noise of the direct construction is a bit away from her suite, so it may (fingers crossed) be less disruptive, especially when they start to break into the main building to build out the expansion.

Kittens, Kittens, Kittens!! Elaine and Gloria, arguably THE cutest sisters ever born

Tabby’s Place held its annual kitten shower virtually this year. Those tiny furry babies are so adorable that no one was surprised that numerous of them were adopted in a flash. I’ve included one picture of a few of them, as they are too cute not to share with you.

Rose is enjoying her time in Suite A.


I don’t often get to share pictures of Pepita’s suite mates but thought I’d include a few of them for your viewing pleasure.  Here you can see Adam and Rose.  I’ll share others in future updates.  Suite A cats get along pretty well the majority of the time, for which we are so thankful. At times, some of the other suites have rough-and-tumble kitties who stir up trouble. Though Pepita is not a ‘let me love on you and cuddle up with you’ kind of kitty with other kitties (as Mary was), she is good at going her own way and allowing others to do so as well, as long as they don’t get in her face about anything!

Adam from Suite A

We are once again and forever incredibly grateful for your support of Pepita and the work of Tabby’s Place.  Please enjoy your summer and we will have more news next month.

Your correspondent,