Update for Patches

Update for Patches

Welcome, June! Welcome, warmth!

As the season finally fully turned over to warmer weather, here in central New Jersey is one tiny, ancient, appreciative cat. The cold doesn’t suit her; Patches prefers the warm rays of my bright desk lamp.

I’d like to bring you nothing but flowers and cupcakes this month, but as Patches notched her 22nd birthday a couple of weeks ago, ancientness rarely wears a laurel crown made of cupcakes.

Her weight is stable at about 5 1/4 pounds. Stable is good – stable we’ll gladly take. Stability is the most we can ask for, and we pray for it every day.

I’ve been clipping little knobs of matted fur off of her every so often; a few months ago, Patches decided she was done with grooming herself. She looks a bit raggedy these days but her personality remains as perfect as ever.

Back in October, her bloodwork showed elevated kidney levels. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve noticed a sudden, strong change to her breath — it went from kinda stinky to ultra stinky. (Enough so that I’ve been calling her my stinky girl. I mean it with all the love in the world!)

This is likely due to kidney problems, as described to me by the Tabby’s Place Junior Vet Tech. It’s a sniffable bit of evidence. There’s not much we can do, and not much we’d put her through.

As long as she’s comfortable and as long as she’s happy, she’ll be right by my side… literally! In the thumbnail, Patches is displaying one of her newer habits: she leans over the edge of the bed just enough to touch her toes to my arm.

I had to launder the bed this weekend; first I gave her a towel to lay on, and once the bed was clean and dry, she curled right back up in it.

Her whole little world is right around my desk: her bed, a glass of water that I must refill daily, and just behind my desk chair, her own little place setting of kibble and wet food. To the left and on the floor, her litterbox. Patches has decided that about three square feet of space is all that she needs… as long as I am right here beside her.

What at tremendous blessing it is.

Enjoy the blissful late-spring days as they meld into early-summer. Thank you for your support! Until next time.