Update for Patches

Update for Patches

December greetings!

As the weather has turned cold and grey, I’ve noticed a trend with my updates for Patches: they’re getting a little harder to write. Her extreme old age is the reason, as its power over her seems to be getting a little stronger with each week that passes.

This month has been a little bumpy.

Patches has recovered from the urinary tract infection, but just this week suffered a seizure. It was brief, but still caused her difficulty in walking around for some time. I frantically called Wonder Woman (Junior Vet Tech Jessica) and described it all to her; she and Senior Vet Tech Denise (also Wonder Woman) agreed that I should observe Patches to see if there is a recurrence or if she rallies.

After a long nap — the photo to the right is immediately after she woke up — Patches seemed a bit tired but otherwise normal. In the couple of days that have passed, I’ve noticed a little hiccup here and there in the way she walks, but she has not had another seizure.

As long as she is happy, eating, sleeping, and comfortable, I am happy. We will do everything we can to ensure that she stays that way, until the day comes when she lets us know she’s ready to move on.

Thank you for your support of our sweet old girl. May peace, good health, and great happiness be yours this holiday season, and a happy and prosperous new year to you, too!