Update for Patches

Update for Patches

I think it’s safe to say that this year is WHIZZING by. Patches doesn’t seem to mind – a young little girl like her doesn’t get to 22 1/4 years of age by worrying about each passing year!

This month, I have no news – that’s good news! Patches is stable from our last update. Today her favorite bed is in the wash, so she’s sitting beside me on a folded towel. She looks a bit like a Sphinx!

Recently, she surprised me by going gaga for a pile of catnip. Check her out! She rolled around in it like a fully grown kitten. It was wonderful to watch!

In other recent news, her new-ish housemate Fred is doing remarkably well. He and Patches get along quite well; they aren’t friends, nor do they interact much, but I consider that a “win” because they do NOT fight. There is no hissing or swatting. Fred watches her with curiosity, Patches skitters away from him. Win!

Another member of my menagerie is Derp the hermit crab. He’s pictured to the right! Derp is enjoying some fresh carrots – his absolute favorite – in the photo. He is a nine (or more) year old purple pincher. Of course, his large tank is next to the cat tree; Patches liked to jump onto the lid to get to her bed. We had to put an object on the lid to stop her – you never know what kind of disaster looms. (It worked!)

I also have an aquatic frog in a tank next to Patches’s current favorite bed. She’ll occasionally watch him swimming and eating. I can’t help but wonder what she thinks when she watches him!

Patches and I hope you’re making the most of this hot, hot, hot Summer. It’ll be Winter again before we know it, and we’ll be pining for the summer heat.

Happy Labor Day! Thank you for your support! Lots of love from Patches. Until next time!