Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Happy June dear Newman lovers!

On a beautiful spring day, I expected Newman to be sacking out in the solarium, soaking up the fresh air. Instead I found him snuggled up in a wicker basket conserving his energy. Sometimes when he’s in this mode, he doesn’t even know I exist! But today was a special day; he rose to his feet and greeted me with a big happy smile. It warmed the cockles of my heart.

Edward was his usual self, making sure he got in on the action. I apparently made a poor decision by grooming him with a comb (by the way, Newman loved it!), as Edward growled at me. I think he may have just been brushed prior to my arrival, so perhaps he was just over stimulated. No matter, I have learned a lesson and will tread lightly with grooming him.

The photo below is Newman getting ready to make donuts. He spent a long time kneading into his blankie before settling down for another comfortable snooze.

Last month, we started Newman on a round of antibiotics to see if they would help clear up Newman’s diarrhea. If you recall, the antibiotics usually cause diarrhea in cats, but they had had the opposite effect on Newman in the past; we wanted to see if they’d do the trick again. Sure enough, the antibiotics resolved Newman’s poo troubles. Weird, huh? Since he’s been off the antibiotics, though, his stool has been very variable – maybe there’s something building in his GI track that the meds help control? We’re going to post his case on a vet forum to see if anyone else has encountered something similar.

In the meantime, Newman is loving the afternoon sunshine and time with the other cats. One afternoon, as I sat with the boys in the solarium, Newman decided I wasn’t paying enough attention to him. He wormed his way under my arm and into my lap, where he threw himself over onto his back. I was sitting criss-cross, and as Newman slid, back first, down into the hollow of my lap, all I could see was a mass of legs with a cat head sticking out the top. I have a picture (see photo above), though I’m not sure it does him justice! Not that he was concerned with appearances.

Dear sponsors, Newman is living the good life and loving it, thanks to you.

Enjoy the last few days of spring as we welcome the warm summer breezes! Until next time….