Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Happy Valentine’s month to Newmans’ adorers,

First and foremost, Newman sends you hugs and kisses for being “his” Valentine. You make his everyday life joyous and content.

Suite FIV has had a revolving door this month. Between the passings of Bo and Hocus; the arrivals of Bunk, Socks and Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants; Socks’ adoption; and the pending arrival of a sweet fellow named McNulty, Newman and friends have been on their toes. Speaking of new faces, below is a picture of the one and the only Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants.

You may remember Socks from last month’s update, as he was featured in one of the photos. He is a very outgoing soul, and it served him well when potential adopters came to visit. He put his socks and everything else into action and found his person to adopt!

Through all these changes, Suite FIV has maintained a surprising sense of calm. These guys and gals have the sweetest temperaments and adapt so well to new faces and personalities.

On my most recent visit, Newman was not really interested in interrupting his blissful nap just because he had company. Perhaps he has a bit of the winter doldrums, or maybe I just need to change the timing of my visits. I suspect he’s quite animated at the dinner hour.

It’s a cat’s prerogative to daydream, but a human’s duty to worry. Such was the story in Newman’s life this month. One of his friends reported to our vet team that Newman was “staring into space.” In addition, our boy had an instance of vomiting after eating treats. Our vet checked up on Newman, especially as he’d also lost nearly a pound over the past month. Happily, she found nothing amiss, and Newman has since regained that lost weight.

Dear Newman valentines, thank you for showing him your amazing love and assuring that he feels that love every single day.

Have a great month!