Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Happy New Year to Newman’s sponsors.

Big news this month – Newman had another birthday! All of the kitties at Tabby’s Place become a year older on January 1st of the new year, and 2016 marks Newman’s eighth birthday. Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

Newman never met a creature he didn’t like, so it’s no surprise that he’s been content to see new cats and countless humans in his realm. The holidays bring an uptick in visitors to Tabby’s Place, and Newman’s elated to love them all. This month also brought three new residents to Suite FIV. If the past is any indication, Newman will be one of the merriest members of the welcome wagon as these boys settle in.

The new boys are sooo super sweet. Gooey sweet, sticky bun sweet. Just step into Suite FIV, and you will see for yourself. Two powder puff, long-haired grey faces will be all eyes and staring at you. Meeting them for the first time, I wasn’t sure who’s who, but a fellow volunteer filled me in on the scoop. Socks (pictured below left), a grey guy with well, socks on his paws, greeted me, while Mr. Grey Fluffy Pants watched eagerly at arms length, and Bunk was extremely interested in playing.

They seem to be getting along with everyone quite swimmingly. In fact, Newman was so laid back about it that it took a bit to get him interested in much of anything.

But he did come out of his cozy world and say a subdued hello to me and my bag of toys. He feigned a little interest for my sake, but I think he really just needed to chill. And so he did. That’s what is so wonderful. He can do exactly what he wants to do. What more could anyone ask of life?

On behalf of Newman, thank you for keeping him close in heart and for your generous support. Our best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful 2016.