Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Hello, fellow Newman adorers,

As you know Newman has had a tough month, but he is doing well in spite of it all. I visited him shortly after he had exploratory surgery and he was being a real trooper. He is healing well and the incision site looks good. He is just taking it easy and giving his body time to heal. He wasn’t terribly happy about his new fancy collar, but he didn’t let it stop him from taking his usual naps!

We finally got Newman’s biopsy results and have some answers. It turns out that he has a rare liver disease called microvascular dysplasia. Basically, the blood vessels in his liver that are supposed to filter out waste products don’t filter as well as they should. We’re starting him on a liver support medication and a round of antibiotics.

Newman’s filtering stuff out well enough now that he’s asymptomatic (recall that nothing appeared weird, except that he peed on a laundry bag, which was likely completely unrelated), and he may actually never show any symptoms at all.

We are all grateful to finally know what is going on with Newman and to provide him with the care that he needs.

Newman shows his gratitude to everyone who comes to visit him by being such a sweet and friendly guy. He sends his thanks to each and every one of you, as you have made this all possible. All of us at Tabby’s Place thank you for all you do for Newman. It’s the time of year when we all “spring ahead”; may you enjoy the gift of extra light in the early evening, and the sunny and warmer days to come. Be well!