Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Greetings Newman sponsors,

It is time once again to bring you all the news straight from Suite FIV, Neman’s “for now” home. This has been a transition month, as the warm days have become fewer and farther between, and the storms brew in the Atlantic. We got very lucky this time as Hurricane Joacquin went out to sea. Although, Newman didn’t have an ounce of worry, since in his world, thanks to you dear sponsors, all was, and is, well.

This month brought Newman a new suitemate, Piper (pictured below). Piper is a six year old, exceptionally friendly female kitty. The ladies in this suite are slowly gaining territory, but it is very clear that Adelaide is the sheriff and plans to keep it that way for a long time. She rules, but she is also the biggest sweetheart of a kitty!

Our boy had his regularly scheduled bloodwork in September. The results? Per Dr. C, “100% perfect.” Newman’s mouth also looks wonderfully stable; his teeth look healthy, and his gums are free of inflammation, so there is no need for a dental procedure this time around. Dr. C will recheck Newman’s mouth in a year.

Newman thanks you and sends a big hug your way, or at the very least a head butt. He gives the best head butts. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do. Life would be very, very, different for Newman without you in his life.

Have a great month!