Newman has had another fantastic month, thanks to your caring and support. He and his friends are preparing to welcome two new residents to Suite FIV. TeePee and Sonny are both older orange gentlemen. We’ve not yet seen them around other cats, but if their gentleness with us is any indication, these sweet boys will be good friends for our FIV+ crew.
Unfortunately, TeePee’s need for a special diet means Newman and company will remain on scheduled feeding for the foreseeable future. Thankfully, Newman has accepted that this is the norm now, and has adapted quite well.
During my recent visit, Newman wasn’t quite sure he wanted to wiggle out of his cozy bed for me. With some gentle encouragement and a snakelike squiggly toy, he couldn’t resist! As you can see, he is quite the athlete. He enjoys playtime so much, and it makes those power naps so much sweeter.
Oddly, this was the most alone time I’ve ever had with Newman. It seems that Buddy decided to make himself a road block on the super highway between the inside suite and the solarium. He wouldn’t budge! And poor Lester so wanted to get outside. He loves his playtime too, so he was indulged as well indoors.
On the medical front, our boy braved a dental this month, and he’s healing beautifully. We also repeated bloodwork to make sure Newman hasn’t developed anemia (a precaution we’ll continue taking every three months through next August, due to his diagnosis with mycoplasmosis, as discussed in July/August). Happily, Newman is not anemic. Indeed, by all appearances he’s feeling fabulously.
Dear sponsors, thank you for all you do for Newman. He is amazingly fortunate to have you in his life!