Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Happy November, Newman supporters,

November is a month for giving thanks for all that we have, and for giving to others who are less fortunate. Thank you for giving so generously to Newman so that he can be comfortable and so, so happy.

However, I happened upon a not-quite-so-happy Newman on a recent visit. Initially, all seemed well; Newman and most of his suitemates were snoozing. It seems the solarium was getting a good scrub-down by a hard working volunteer, which meant that all the cats were inside.

That’s a lot of kitties per square inch, and not all of them get along perfectly. So, enter a visitor — me specifically — and things started to get interesting. Lester seemed to be insistent on moving into Newman’s territory. Newman, not a happy camper with all of this, decided to take a look-see if he could get outside to a happier place, and this photo below shows Newman anxiously awaiting the ‘lifting of the gate’ to paradise, otherwise known as the solarium. All will be well soon, Newman. Patience.

On the other hand, Dre (pictured at right) was most content to be in close quarters with all of his buddies. This vivacious and handsome boy is an eager-to-please kitty. He is one of the most outgoing and friendly cats I’ve ever met. No one will enter suite FIV+ without being serenaded by Dre.

Suite FIV enjoyed an influx of visitors this month, and no one can steal the show quite like our Newman. If visitors were inside, Newman was at their feet; if they ventured to the solarium, he’d fly through the tube, leaping down the ramp two steps at a time to get close to them. This boy loves people, and there’s no such thing as too much love for Newman. As his most generous and faithful friends, Newman would especially love to meet you if you should have the opportunity to visit Tabby’s Place.

In the meantime, thank you for all you’ve done and all that you continue to do for Newman. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.