Update for Newman

Update for Newman

Dear friends of Newman,

Newman’s regular correspondent is away this month, and I am absolutely delighted to fill in for her. Why? Because Newman is just one of the very nicest cats I know. I never visit Tabby’s Place without saying hello to this sweet boy, and each time, he finds a new way to make himself irresistible!

I’m happy to report that Newman’s had a nice, steady medical month. He had his annual physical, which showed that he’s in good health, and his poo was consistently okay. Not great, but okay. Newman dropped a little weight mid-month, in spite of the fact that his appetite has been good, and we were concerned that his liver shunt might be acting up. When we rechecked him, though, his weight had gone back up, so it would seem that our concerns were unfounded.

I’d be willing to bet, though, that anyone who didn’t already know that Newman is a special needs cat would never guess it. In fact, FIV, liver shunt, and all, I find it hard to believe that he hasn’t found his forever home yet! This sunshiny boy is happy to sack out for a nap in the solarium, but as soon as you walk through the door, he’s ready for you to love him – and to love you back.

Last week, stopped in to visit with Newman and his suitemate Nuttin, who I also write for. Okay, and I also wanted to see Dillinger, and Edward, and Hocus, Lester, and Bo. I confess, I’m a sucker for all the cats in Newman’s suite.

While I sat with Nuttin on the solarium floor, Newman circled me, climbing on my legs and bonking his forehead to mine. Each time I turned to Newman, he said, “I love you, ” and, “I’m so glad you’re here.” He’s such a sweetie I can hardly stand it.

If you find yourself needing a little love, or if you just have an extra hour or two to visit Tabby’s Place, I highly recommend that you stop in to visit with our boy Newman. He’d love to see you and say thank you for loving him in person!