Update for Mary

Update for Mary

Merry May to all my fans!

Ah, spring has finally sprung! May has brought its promised flowers and we are all rejoicing here at Tabby’s Place. Every human who has visited me lately has

mentioned how thankful they are for the warmer weather, especially my correspondent. Even I can feel the change in the air from inside my suite. As I snooze

here in my fluffy bed of choice, I can almost hear the flowers blooming outside.

My roomies who enjoy our solarium have been telling me that I should really

give it a try, since it’s been so especially beautiful outside. But I’m still enjoying my digs inside, where I’m known to romp during my bursts of playful

energy, and then nap all snuggled up with my various nap buddies. The extra spring in everyone’s step, thanks to spring itself, has inspired me to bust out

with even more random romps with various toys. My antics are always gleefully witnessed and enjoyed by folks passing by my suite’s window into the hallway.

Thanks to you, my beloved staff and volunteers have been keeping my tiny furry bottom clean, and I’m loving life as usual. I did have a mild bout of

conjunctivitis recently, and when the first antibiotic didn’t help, my fabulous vet team tried another antibiotic. The second try did the trick, and my eyes

have cleared up nicely.

I have the absolute best care possible here at Tabby’s Place, and for that, I can’t thank you enough. I wish I could personally thank

each of you in person for everything you do for me. I’d give you a hug and invite you to play with me so I can show you the utter joy I feel here every day.

I hope you enjoy the two photos I’m attaching to this month’s update. We have several volunteers here at Tabby’s Place who take photos that we use on our

website, in our blog, and for lots of other ways we get the word out about the mission of Tabby’s Place to rescue cats from hopeless situations. These two photos were taken in black and white. Aren’t they super

dramatic and gorgeous? I look like a fancy movie star from Kitty Hollywood! Random photo sessions are just one of the fun things always happening here to

keep my days spicy. Spice up your month of May with something fabulous, my dearest darlingest sponsors.

I thank you and I love you with all my fluffy grey


Love, Mary