Update for Mary

Update for Mary

Happy St. Patrick’s Day,

Joy of joys, March has arrived! Soon, all the snow that’s fallen in New Jersey lately will melt and Spring will spring up. Even though I spend all of my time indoors, I adore the change of seasons. Especially the transition from these last freezing months into the warmer months
of sunshine and longer daylight hours. But honestly, I’m pretty happy-go-lucky about everything in my little world here at Tabby’s Place, no matter what time of year it happens to be.

Each day I enjoy dividing my time between playing and romping with all my energy, and then snuggling in for the best nap ever — which is of course every single nap I take, because I’m an expert. I did perk up out of a nap for a few moments when my correspondent came to visit recently, and she was able to grab a quick picture that I’m attaching to this month’s update. I look pretty serious in the photo, but I assure you I was simply thinking about how profoundly grateful I am for your sponsorship. A mere two minutes after this picture was taken, I snuggled my beautiful fluffy face right back into my squishy bed at the top of the ramp that leads out into our solarium.

My only health news to report this month is a single episode of coughing. Nothing to worry about, but the staff and volunteers will keep their eyes on me for any additional episodes. We in Suite A have two new neighbors named Paulie and Ronnie, and I’ve tried to help them feel welcomed. I’m hoping they’ll eventually become two more on my long list of cuddle buddies who will pile into one kitty bed with me
for a long nap. If you live close enough to visit Tabby’s Place, please do stop in to give me some extra attention if you have time. I would love nothing more than to have the chance to thank you in person for all that you do for me. Paws crossed, spring will have
sprung by my next update to you, my fabulous sponsors. Until then, stay warm and cozy wherever you are. Please know that I am sending you joy and love from my heart to yours. Thank you for your generous support!

All my love, Mary