Update for Mary

Update for Mary

Happy new year to my sponsors!

Welcome to 2018 — let’s hope it’s a year full of love and joy.

We’ve been experiencing record low temperatures here in New Jersey, which I only know because of my view through our suite’s window into the hallway. Every day I watch the staff and volunteers trudge by with their huge puffy coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and snow boots.

I almost never venture out through the tube that connects our suite with the outdoor solarium, no matter what the season. But a few of my buddies who typically spend all of their time outside are bummed because the tube has been closed for the past several days. I’ve tried to explain to my sulking suitemates that staying indoors all snuggled up together is
lovely! It’s for our own safety that our staff has been keeping us warm indoors until this dangerously frigid record-breaking weather passes.

In medical news this month, I did unfortunately end up needing extensive dental work, including multiple extractions. The upside for me is I got to sleep through all of it, and (bonus!) now the pain I felt from those bad teeth is all gone and I’m feeling much, much better.We at Tabby’s Place celebrate all our birthdays on the first day of each new year, since so many of us have no idea what our actual birthdays are. I turned seven this year… hard to believe how time passes. I am happy and receiving the best care possible thanks to you, so I truly couldn’t ask for a better birthday present than your sponsorship!

I hope you enjoy the pictures I’m attaching to this month’s update. One is me lounging in one of the many cozy beds up high on the ramp that leads outside. I enjoy the view from up there, and anyone who knows me knows that I take my napping VERY seriously. The other picture is of me staring lovingly up at my new correspondent who’s helping me
write these updates to you. She told me how phenomenally beautiful I am, and I just adored hearing that. Everyone here is so inexplicably kind to me, and I can’t thank you enough for your kindness in sponsoring me!