Update for Mary

Update for Mary

Let’s welcome June with open paws, my friends!

I am so happy that it’s time to update you, because thinking about you gives me the joy in my heart that I need right now. I have had a bit of a difficult month since we chatted last, but you know that I always look on the bright side of things. I just know that summer will bring better health my way.

However, during all of the daily attention my poor little bum has been receiving, my super fantastic vet team detected something called a rectal stricture, which they say is a swelling or thickening of my rectum. Yet another embarrassing issue about my poor little bum. They think I have some type of infection that is causing this, so they are treating me with pain medication and antibiotics. My poop has been soft, so they are not worried about the dreaded constipation, which I guess could just make my discomfort worse.

We all think I am improving, but if the antibiotics don’t resolve the issue, my vet team will explore other possible causes.  The humans are concerned my issue might also be something called a “malignancy,” but they told me I shouldn’t worry about it, and I have put it out of my mind.

There is too much to be happy about in my little life.  I know that no matter what, I will get the best care possible here at Tabby’s Place because of you. I will never have to wonder if I will be taken care of, no matter what happens with my bum or any other part of me. I never have to worry about a thing, and I thank you with all of my furry grey heart!

I am attaching two pictures for your enjoyment. One picture is me looking up with love at my correspondent, and please know that I am sending all of that love right through the camera to you, too! I had just woken up from a nap and I didn’t have time to pretty up, so I apologize if my eyes look a little goopy.

The other picture shows my ravenous appetite when I wake up from a nap. I go right to the dry food bowl for a yummy snack. We always have bowls full of delicious dry food available to us, so we can snack between meals if we get hungry.

I try to wait until our next meal of delectable wet food, but sometimes I have to give in and enjoy a snack. Especially after a nap! Do you always wake up hungry from naps? Is it just me? Maybe I am romping in my dreams and magically burning calories as I sleep. If I could figure out how to teach that trick to humans, I bet I’d be famous! I will give that some more thought.

Or perhaps I will just go take another nap. <yawn>

Until next month, be kind to one another.

Love, Mary
(with help from your correspondent, Florie)