Update for Mary

Update for Mary

Hello sponsors! Finally, it’s March, and spring is around the corner here in Ringoes, New Jersey. We’ve had quite a snowy month so far, and I hear all the humans talking about how much they are looking forward to warmer weather.

Speaking of warmer weather, my correspondent is in sunny Key West as I write this update.  She promised to bring me a special present. (Maybe a catnip conch toy?) She came to visit me before she left and told me how much she will miss me. We took some pictures to attach to this month’s update; I hope you will enjoy them.

My correspondent typically finds me cuddled up as a fluffy gray ball inside one of our many warm, soft beds, snoozing away and usually snuggled up next to one of my many besties here in Suite A. Our visits always include quite a bit of canoodling and shooting the breeze about this and that. As always, she told me over and over how pretty I am and how much she loves me. She encouraged me to attach a picture that she thought showed my beauty. I hope you agree—but maybe you’re thinking that my beauty shines through in every one of my photos. Don’t let my serious expression fool you. I think it’s just a remnant of my younger days outdoors in the big bad world, before I was lucky enough to come to Tabby’s Place. I guess I thought I needed to look tough back then, even though I have always had a heart full of joy. My correspondent also gave me lots and lots of pets, of course, especially in my favorite spots on the sides of my head. You will see evidence of this in my other picture.

In medical news, I have been enjoying a mellow month. My mouth healed beautifully from my dental work, and I haven’t had any problems with the medications for my upper respiratory infection or the yeast infection in my ears. I try my best to roll with life’s changes gracefully and remain sunny through it all. There is plenty of sadness in life, so I make it my mission to radiate love and happiness no matter what fate brings my way. Some of my suitemates bicker and tussle with each other, but I always stay out of those conflicts. I firmly believe that, if you always wear a smile, you will get more smiles in return.

I hope you enjoy spring as it comes into full bloom, or whatever March brings to you wherever you are. I will be thinking of you and how incredibly grateful I am for everything you do for me. You are the reason my life is so lovely here at Tabby’s Place! As always, thank you from the bottom of my furry gray heart!

Until next month, be kind to one another.

Love, Mary

(with help from your correspondent, Florie)