Update for Luna

Update for Luna

Dear Team Luna,

At last! Spring is on our doorstep, and it looks like blue skies and sunshine are in the forecast …  along with lots and lots of rain.  The daffodils are up in beautiful bunches in our gardens and along our roadsides. The birds, bees, and butterflies have begun to show their faces, and the trees are coming into colorful, gorgeous blossoms.  We’ve even spotted some of the cats’ perennial favorites here at Tabby’s Place: red, red robins, and those precious pussy willows!

Of course, with this refreshing burst of beauty comes a little challenge for some of us.  That’s right—it’s the start of allergy season. Early in the month, Luna began sneezing with greater frequency, so she was put back on the antiviral medication that has helped her in the past. Otherwise, she has been in good health and in great spirits. Believe us, Luna won’t let anything get between her and an opportunity to take an outdoor carriage ride—so medication it is!

Our lovely Luna

The lab and medical center continue to be the perfect space for Luna. She particularly loves surgery days when she can enjoy the warmth of the heated “Bair Huggers®.” Our vet team snapped some photos of her with the following comment: “Do you think surgeries get in the way of Luna’s quality of life? Should we stop them and just keep the Bair Huggers going for her all the time?”

Comments like these don’t faze Luna even one little bit.  She simply smiles, yawns, and takes her comforts gladly.  After all, aren’t Bair Huggers a standard “perk” for lab technicians and veterinary assistants of her caliber? As she obligingly notes, there ARE certain standards of care that really must be maintained. We’re waiting for Luna to introduce mandatory noontime naps before we really have to put our foot down. I mean, really—we’re not running a resort spa or country club for cats.  But then again, maybe we are!

In other news, by now you know that Tabby’s Place is building an expansion called Quinn’s Corner, for vulnerable cats with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). As we prepare to open our expansion later this year, our need for volunteers increases. Volunteers are a huge part of our operation, as we could not run Tabby’s Place without them.

Beginning in May, we will launch an intense volunteer recruitment campaign to find those willing to give the gift of time and make an impact on the lives of our cats.  If you know of anyone who would be interested in volunteering (perhaps even you!), please let them know we will soon be reaching out with more details. (They can sign up to receive our emails here; scroll down to the “subscribe” box.) There are many types of volunteer duties to fit diverse abilities and schedules.

Thank you, as always, for helping to spread the word about Tabby’s Place!

Luna loves you!

And, as always, thank you for loving Luna!

Your correspondent,