Update for Kitten Fund

Update for Kitten Fund

Dear Kitten Fund friends,

This is a quiet time of year, kitten-wise. Well, at least in one respect — this year’s kitten season is still a few months off (or at least should be), and last year’s babies are tweeners. No itty bitty babies to be found.

In another sense, though, it has not been quiet at all! Of late, the Community Room has been alive with the sounds of Nelson. This new tuxedo is a first-rate triller, and he chirps continually, rumbling and playing with both Camille and Mimi (who likes to visit from the lobby). Alas, Nelson has not yet learned that not all creatures like his particular brand of tomfoolery. (Queen and Brielle have repeatedly attempted to inform him of this, in ways I would personally find quite effective, but Nelson remains undaunted.) We can only hope that this little wild man will take on the peaceful persona of his namesake; Nelson arrived at Tabby’s Place the day after Nelson Mandela’s passing.

The rest of our current kitten roster includes Benny and Joon, timid siblings who are being socialized in the Community Room. These two are absolutely adorable, but are still deciding whether they truly trust people or not. They love each other dearly, and when I met them, they stayed together, just out of reach. I’ll keep trying – maybe if I can win Benny over, Joon will be willing to give me a chance, too.

Camille (pictured below left), on the other hand, needs socialization of a different kind. After so long alone in ringworm isolation, she just doesn’t know how to play nice. Camille is a mouthy girl — not so much in the needs-her-mouth-washed-out-with-soap way, but rather in the YOUR FINGERS NEED TO BE CHEWED ON HARD! NOW! sort of way. We’ve started her on a behavior modification program to try to curb her wild ways.

We also have a few new tweeners this month – Rose (pictured above), who has Special Needs, and Sandrine, who is a super cute dilute calico. Sandrine wouldn’t come out from under her blankets when I tried to meet her; she’s just not feeling very sure of herself yet.

It’s funny how, even in a quiet month, there are still so many kittens to consider. I suppose that’s because there is no true quiet month at Tabby’s Place, and kittens never stop needing our love and care. Thank you, as always, friends, for your support of our littlest residents.