Update for Kitten Fund

Update for Kitten Fund

Hello, dear kitten friends,

We’re bracing ourselves for the coming Kitten Season, as certain as the sunrise once temperatures warm up for good. In the meantime, we’re gently socializing a “grab bag” of teenagers. Our Kitten Room is currently home to shy Lucas, CornPop, Raven, Noodle and Eva (plus elderly Venga, but that’s another story). I stopped in to visit the crew the other day, but didn’t get too far. Here’s the rundown:

Lucas, though he is shy, was happy to see me. He considered bolting for the hills, but reconsidered and got some good scritches in. Eva played cute, but smacked me with whappy paws when I attempted a pet, while Raven sort of tolerated some petting, but was clearly less than thrilled. Venga said hello, but had a cozy (and hard-to-reach) spot between the cubicle levels. There was one puddle of black fur that steadfastly refused to show his or her face. CornPop or Noodle? I’m not sure. Whoever it wasn’t had such a good hidey spot that I never found it! And that, friends, was the extent of my social time in the Kitten Room!

Luckily, other folks have gotten to know these teenagers better than I, and you can read all about them here. It seems that the “leftover” kittens from the season before often take a little extra time and love to find their forever homes.

But, even shy kittens find their homes, as proven by bashful Bing and Google (they were my last month’s not-entirely-social kitties to visit, you’ll recall). A lovely adopter planned to take just Google, but when she came to pick him up, she couldn’t leave his brother behind. Their search is over at last.

Spring is about to be well and truly sprung upon us, in spite of the succession of nasty nor’easters that keep coming our way. And we know all too well what Spring will bring us – kittens, kittens, and more kittens! Thank you, dear sponsors, for loving our little babies best, whether they’re teens or litters-yet-to-be.