Update for Kitten Fund

Update for Kitten Fund

Dear kitten lovers,

Here we are, in the dark and cold of winter, so far from Kitten Season that surely the reason it’s cold and dark is that there aren’t kittens to be found. But no, this is Tabby’s Place. Mere winter can’t keep kittens from our care!

In fact, our wee ones keep cascading in and out of Tabby’s Place. The kitten room hasn’t been vacant in recent memory, and there’s no sign of Kitten Season stopping despite the subzero temperatures. As of this writing, our little loves include Google, Bing, Amaya, Lucas, Nancy, Domenico and Tamara. The latter two were found outside just before this recent blitz of brutal cold, so we’re especially grateful that they’re cozy and cherished in our care.

I had the great fortune of stopping in to see the kittens one afternoon during a brief window when Mudpie was in residence in the kitten room. Before I even met this little guy, he was on hold. I didn’t know that at the time, though, and I sat while he very thoroughly charmed my socks off. We marveled together that he hadn’t gone to his forever home just yet (he was tricking me!) Luckily, his adorability was preserved for posterity before he left – you can see him here.

Nancy and Lucas were in the kitten room, too, but they were not quite convinced that they wanted me to love them. They tolerated a bit of scritching, but that was it. I’d be willing to bet that next time I’m in, their shyness will be a thing of the past. It’s really hard to keep saying “no” to pure, sweet, unconditional love, and you know that’s what these little ones get!

I hope you have a cat (or several) to cuddle during these cold spells – if not, you should definitely try to come spend some time with the kittens. Kitten purrs have a way of warming you to the tips of your toes!