Update for Kitten Fund

Update for Kitten Fund

Dearest kitten friends,

Summer may be on the downswing, but Kitten Season is still, and forever, it would seem, in full flower at Tabby’s Place. We welcomed twelve new tinies in August. Seven of these babies arrived, together with their gentle mom Irene, from a dreadful hoarding situation. Since the kittens are different sizes and ages, it’s impossible they’re all Irene’s biological babies, but she’s doing a beautiful job raising all seven nevertheless.

The little family is currently quarantined in our Ringworm isolation area, as they came to us with an excruciating case of the fungus. (One of the kittens, baby Roland, was initially so bald that one of our staffers described him as “half-ringworm, half-kitten.”) Fortunately, Irene, Roland, Talitha, Oy, Jake, Odetta, Topeka and Randall are all doing beautifully and expected to make a full recovery.

At the end of the month, we took in four additional kittens (Four, Quatre, Cuatro and Vier), together with their feral mama. I wish I could claim to be the smart aleck who named that crew!

Our kitten adoptions this month have included Bob, Rosa and Bridget (together!); Sara, Draco and Judy (together!); and Johnny; Hannah; Jenna; Tasha; Camina; Milo; and Hermione. Meanwhile, some of our older kittens, like Mack, Jessy (pictured below left), and Fontina (pictured at right), are still hanging out, looking adorable in the kitten room. I say “looking adorable”, because they’re still a bit on the timid side.

Only a bit timid, though – they’re super sweet if you give them a chance. I went to visit them at dinner just the other day; at first, I just sat watching them as they played “musical food bowls”. That’s pretty silly, considering that all the dishes had the same kind of food, but then, they’re kittens. Silly is par for the course.

Once they’d filled up, though, they took notice of me, and started circling my legs in ever-diminishing radii. Finally, as Mack passed by, he just brushed my leg with the very tip of his tail. Next pass, he *almost* rubbed against me. Before long, he’d jumped up and was busy investigating all the interesting smells and fuzzies I didn’t know were on my clothes. Once the other kittens saw this, there was a noticeable thaw in the room, and I’m happy to report, we’re all buddies now.

Enjoy the beautiful Fall, dear sponsors! Even if Kitten Season is not yet turning, Autumn, at least, is upon us. As our little ones grow, and as new kittens arrive, it is such a blessing to know that they have a special place in your heart. Thank you, as always, for your generous support of our little kittens.