Update for Jonathan

Update for Jonathan

Hello, my dear ones!

Hasn’t this month been lovely? Everywhere (and everywhen) I look around, there are new friends waiting to meet me. Why, when Tabby’s Place held the Chip or Treat event, I felt like an official greeter, there were so many people that stopped to say hello! I’ve also heard tell that there is a picture of me on the Tabby’s Place website. Is it true? It would help explain why so many people just can’t wait to see me. Celebrity does have its advantages!

The advantages that matter the most, though, are the simple things. Cuddly laps to sit on. Chairs and cat trees to perch on. Munchies to munch. And excellent health care, have I mentioned that? I may have funky kidneys, but the people here at Tabby’s Place really look after me well – so well that my weight has finally stabilized, and my anemia has improved significantly. I only need my anemia meds when I need them, instead of needing them all the time! Yay!

I’m so grateful for all of this. And I mean grateful, not merely thankful. I appreciate every day and every moment just how wonderful it is to live in the lobby of Tabby’s Place. I can’t imagine anywhere else that I could be so free to be so me, and I love you all for it!

I joked before that I’m a celebrity, but it’s more than that, isn’t it? Celebrities are popular, but you’ve given me so much more than popularity. You’ve given me love, and you keep giving it to me every single moment of every single day. I am so grateful.

I hope that for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, you find yourself surrounded by the same love that warms my heart. And if you need a little extra, you know where I am!

Your dear friend,
