Hello, my dearest ones!
So many holidays, so much happiness this month! It really is a wonderful time of year (though I’d be hard pressed to say it’s the “most” wonderful. Every day has some beautiful moments, and I just can’t settle on one particular most wonderful one!)
I have been thrilled to see the Tabby’s Place lobby bedecked with glittery sparkles, and I don’t just mean the twinkle in my eye. You should see it these days – tinsel, red-and-green doodads, and even a tree. With a close-enough-to-a-blanket thing underneath that calls to me.(Nap here, Jonathan…sleep atop me, Jonathan…)
Did I mention that the tree is decorated, too? I like to add my personal touch now and then, sleeping beneath the tree, or crouching under the lowest branches, as if I’m a poufy, peachy ornament. The effect is striking, I must say.
I can confide in you, my friends, that one of the things that makes this holiday season so sweet for me is that I haven’t been feeling super duper. No need to worry, I am a trouper (would it be too cute to say a super duper trouper? Perhaps.) But really, I am quite good at carrying on no matter what. Water bowls do need attending, and visitors do need charming, after all.
But I was a bit anemic again this month, even though that had been much better lately. I also had a urinary tract infection, so I had to take some extra medicine to get rid of it. Thank goodness for the wonderful people here at Tabby’s Place. They look after me so well, and they love me so dearly – it’s easy for my spirit to feel such joy that I can forget that my body feels cranky. My cup overflows.
And you know you’re a part of that, too, don’t you? In this season of gifting, I cannot help but remember every day how much you love me, and how much your love has done for me. Because of you, I have laps to snuggle on, a lobby to toddle around, all the yummy snacks I could possibly desire,and my very own Christmas tree to nap beneath! Thank you, my friends. I hope this season finds you as blessed and joyful as I am.
Head bonks to you,