Update for Faye

Update for Faye

Happy New Year, Friends of Faye!

As we welcome both the beginning of a new year and the arrival of the winter’s chill, Faye’s mood is full Hygge. For those who may be unfamiliar, hygge (pronounced hue-guh) is a Norwegian word for a mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with feelings of wellness and contentment. In practice, one may experience hygge by engaging in anything that generates calm, cozy vibes. Snuggling up with a cup of cocoa and a good book: hygge. Staying in pajamas and socks all day: hygge. Ordering takeout and binge-watching Bridgerton on Netflix: hygge.

In Faye’s case, hygge looks a lot like napping on multiple layers of soft blankets, building forts out of boxes in her suite, and curling into the laps of willing volunteers. We all know that Faye is truly a summer-soul, but in the absence of stroller rides (too cold!) and sunbathing (too brisk!), she finds more snuggly ways to spark joy!

Also, and I say this without judgment, Faye is also making things a bit . . . weird. At the beginning of the month, our awesome medical team re-evaluated Faye’s medications and decreased some of her dosages. Faye has long been known as an “inappropriate eliminator,” but we have recently had confirmation of our suspicions, as she has decided to squat right in the middle of Suite B, in front of staff! Very not hygge. Of course, we love her despite her behaviors and continue to monitor her stool in this manner, since she refuses to make a deposit in her litter box if we crate her for a stool check.

Finally, Faye’s birthday is this month! Our glamour girl is celebrating her 15th rotation around the sun!

Happy Birthday to you . . .
Happy Birthday to you . . .
Happy Birthday, dear Faaaaaaye . . .
Happy Birthday to you!

(*Disclaimer: okay, friends, real talk—we have no idea when Faye’s birthday actually is, but we celebrate all our kitties’ birthdays on January 1st each year).

Faye and I hope your year is off to a peaceful, healthy start, and that this update finds you, too, embracing full hygge. So, snuggle up safe and warm under your favorite blanket, with your coziest pajamas, and some hot cocoa (with extra mini-marshmallows). Faye’s secret recipe, by the way, is to stir a few marshmallows into the hot chocolate so they melt, and then put even more on top!

Faye and I look forward to spending another year with you, as we continue our monthly correspondence! Thank you for being our friend, and for your generous and loving support for sweet Faye, who looks forward to a bright, happy new year with her Tabby’s Place family and friends.

We’ll talk again soon, friends . . .

Your correspondent,