Update for Faye

Update for Faye

Hello, friends of Faye!

It might (finally) be fall! The arrival of falling leaves and falling temperatures is particularly good news for Faye, considering that she now spends nearly every waking moment basking in the solarium. I had the occasion to visit with Faye about two weeks ago, on one of those humid, hazy days when it was nearly 100 degrees, and Faye was one of only two cats who had not abandoned the sunny solarium for some climate-controlled coolness.

But there was Faye, regally lounging on a soft bed, on top of a comfy chair. Her fur was warm to the touch, and she squinted a bit from having so much sunlight on her face, but her expression was one of pure bliss. Immediately, I took out my phone to capture the exquisiteness of Faye in that moment. I took not one, not two, but eleven pictures of Faye.

Later, when I began to look through them, I realized that Faye was so um, baked, that rather than looking like her usual glamour girl self, she very strongly resembled…wait…no…it couldn’t be. My mind was certainly playing tricks on me. I needed a second opinion, and so I showed the pictures to another volunteer. There was a pause. There was some face-scrunching. And then, it came: “Does Faye look like Yoda in this picture?” Yes. Yes she does. She looks like Yoda in that picture, and the next one. In fact, she looks like a furry, white Yoda in every single picture. Good grief.

Faye made me pinky promise that I would not officially document her less-than-Faye-worthy sunbathing pics, but I really wish I could. Apart from her unfortunate photo shoot, Faye has had an otherwise happy, healthy end of the summer. She hopes now that the weather is more temperate, she might get some visitors. She would love to meet you in person!

We hope that you, too, are enjoying the gradual easing away of summer and are looking forward to the fall colors and festivities. Faye and I thank you for choosing her as your friend and for your love and support. We’ll talk again soon, friends.