Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Dearest Buddy lovers,

On a 100-degree August afternoon, who could have imagined that almost the entire FIV Suite would be camped outside? That includes our Buddy.

In the midst of record heat, Buddy reigned from his customary post, the platform atop the catwalk, guarding the entrance to the tunnel — and access to the air-conditioned suite. He was content, smiling, drifting in and out of his dream state, classic Buddy.

The FIV+ Suite has experienced no significant changes since last month, which makes our darling Buddy happy. He prefers a calm, change-free existence, so he can hang out with his best buddies. This most mellow suite at Tabby’s Place is characterized by respect of space, quirks, habits and friendships, as well as deep caring and love for fellow suite pals.

Buddy’s shown some new love for human beings this month, too. Our Founder and Executive Director, Jonathan, gleefully reports that he was personally able to pet Buddy for the first time just recently. All good things are worth waiting for.

Buddy’s health, including his sometimes troubled teeth, remains very good.

Thank you for helping to make Buddy’s life so sweet! Have a terrific month.