Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Dear Buddy’s friends,

The insider scoop at Tabby’s Place is that our beautiful Buddy has gone from “petrified”, to “pettable”, to coos of admiration and wonder by all. His regular socializers are gleeful over his progress, and Tabby’s Place feline behavioral consultant has given him the gold star for most improved socializee.

Buddy continues his wonderful patterns of partnering with his sidekick of the moment, from contented naps in cubbies, perching over the solarium, lounging in the tree and always time for his favorite corner on top of the crates.

To Buddy’s great delight, and everyone else’s, his main man, Wolfie, has staged a remarkable recovery, and the two are back together again, wrapped in mutual admiration and affection.

Our beautiful emerald-eyed Buddy attracts attention from all sorts of folks, well deserved, as you, his very special friends and long-time supporters, know. His happy life is made so much happier because of your continued loving generosity.

On behalf of our gorgeous fellow, thank you.