Update for Buddy

Update for Buddy

Dear lovers of King Buddy,

I’m happy to report that there have been no recurrences of Buddy’s inappropriate elimination — very good news indeed. After all, how many paper towels can we use in a month’s time?

Tabby’s Place staff and volunteers have delighted in a surge in Buddy’s friendliness quotient. While he’s still discerning about human cuddle buddies, Buddy has become markedly braver about letting us love him.

The trick, as many of you know, is to either corner him on top of the cubbies, or to sit like a sphinx and wait for him to move. In Buddy’s case, hope is also a strategy. It’s especially helpful if one of his sidekicks is not blocking the Buddy-zone.

The FIV+ suite in general seems more mellow these days, and the all-around health news is good. The return, a few months ago, of all-day dry food was a big plus.

Most afternoons find the suitemates in their usual spots: Lester napping, Buddy on top of the crates, Charlie in any lap that enters the room, Sonny hissing, Mona and Hocus in a cubby. The rest are a little less predictable, which makes for a joyful visit. Then again, every visit is joyful.

For Buddy’s emerging loving nature, we are all very grateful. And for your generous support of our boy, thank you.

With loving gratitude,