Update for Boo Boo

Update for Boo Boo

Boo Boo continues to amaze us with his antics and zest for life.
He has now discovered the solarium attached to his suite (see floor plan).
In case you didn’t know it, the outside “wall” of each solarium is actually a floor-to-ceiling, vinyl-coated chain link fence.
This allows the cats to enjoy the “great outdoors” in safety.

Each solarium is connected to its respective suite with an overhead tube that crosses the hallway.
Cats can access this tube via the custom-made furniture in each suite.
Boo Boo can’t climb the furniture, but he recently escpaed from the suite, so we put him “outside” temporarily.
It turns out that he loved lounging around enjoying the sun and the smells.

So, Boo Boo has a new ritual each morning: he “runs” out of his suite and waits by the door to the solarium.
We then let him “outside” and he usually spends most of the day out there.

Once in a solarium, cats can reacces the tube by climbing a steep ramp (see photo below).
Of course, we “knew” that Boo Boo couldn’t possibly climb that ramp, given his ambulatory issues.
And, as you have probably guessesd by now … we were wrong.
Somehow, Boo Boo has managed to climb the ramp twice and even crawl back through the tunnel into the suite!

We haven’t seen him do this yet, but I’m hoping to catch him at it soon, as it must be a sight to behold.