Update for Babs

Update for Babs

Happy March, dearest sponsors.

Oh, where to start? The Community Room where I reside has been crazy of late. It’s an ever-revolving door of kittens. They are so playful and energetic. I’m somewhat jealous of their zest for life. However, I am who I am, and I prefer to keep my distance.

Lately I’ve been lounging (or hiding!) from the commotion in the cages where the kittens are put overnight. (This may be a cage-free sanctuary, but I personally believe small nooks and crannies are underrated.) In order to crate the kittens, the Tabby’s Place humans had to move me every evening. Now, they say I could be quite snarky with them about all this, but I prefer to think of myself as just a bit short-tempered. After all, I am usually comfortably snuggled in one of the beds, sound asleep.

To remedy the situation they gave me my very own cage, prominently labeled “Babs’ Place”. It’s utterly fantastic. Although it’s open and I’m free to wander at will, I generally choose to stay in there all day. It’s small, cozy, and very snuggly — the humans make sure of that.

So if you are inclined to come for a visit, be sure to stop by Babs’ Place. That’s where you’ll find me. Have a wonderful March, my generous sponsors, and enjoy the first days of Spring. I am very much looking forward to it after this long and snowy winter.