Update for Anka

Update for Anka

Dear Friends,

I’m so happy about the beautiful autumn days we’ve been having here in NJ. That means I get to spend more time outside in my large, outdoor enclosure, enjoying the fresh air and all the sights and sounds. Olive has been joining the outdoor fun occasionally. She gets her own special enclosure. We sometimes watch each other eat grass. I don’t mind sharing outdoor time with Olive, as long as I get more human attention.

We lobby cats threw a big party recently. Our nemesis, Frankie ‘sad eyes,’ was finally adopted and we all rejoiced. Usually, we’re simply thrilled to see our friends get adopted into loving homes, giving us all hope that it can happen for us, too. But Frankie was a real troublemaker and made things tense in the lobby every day, so we were just happy to see him go. Poor Olive was attacked by Frankie on several occasions last month, so she initiated the party. She played host and DJ, while the rest of us wore party hats and did a collective happy dance.

Rumor has it that Halloween will be here soon. I wonder if I’ll get another Halloween costume this year. I hope that if I dress up and look adorable, maybe someone will give me some extra treats.

Speaking of treats, I’m so grateful and happy that you are part of my life. Your support means everything to me and is the reason I get to live this wonderful life at Tabby’s Place.

All my love,
(With help from your correspondent, Mary)