Update for Olive

Update for Olive

Hello, Olive Aficionados!

Ready for another update on our ever-curious girl?

Medical news first, though there isn’t much this month (and that’s a good thing!). Olive has had several episodes of slightly loose stool over the past month. While that does not constitute a health crisis, it does mean that we skip one of her medications on the days when we observe the loose stool. Normally, we give her this medication to keep her from becoming too constipated. If you have ever had a cat with gut issues, you understand frequent adjustments to try to keep a good balance are just part of life. We’ll keep a close eye on her, as we always do, to keep her well-regulated.

In other news, Olive has acquired another fellow lobby dweller. Frankie, who gained internet fame for his constantly-sad eyes, has been moved into the lobby from his previous room, where he was not getting along with many of the other residents and not getting enough stimulation, which probably contributed to pestering the other cats. Over the past month, he was seen going after Olive once or twice, but then Olive was observed being aggressive with a different cat. We’re hopeful that everyone will (mostly) settle down, given a little time.


When not being contentious, our feisty girl remains inquisitive about the outside world. While work continues on our expansion, the Grand Opening has been pushed to the spring of 2023. I was a little concerned about this initially, feeling that Olive might become bored if there wasn’t constant activity outside our front door, but then I remembered that she’s been looking out onto the world through the front door since she came to live with us. And it doesn’t seem to matter to her whether the activity outside is big or small. Construction vehicles and multiple people are fine, but so are leaves pushed along by a breeze, or flying birds, or a circling insect.

If you haven’t met Olive yet, Tabby’s Place is now open to the public every afternoon from 1 to 4 PM.  Come by to say hello and be sure you’ll be investigated carefully as soon as you set foot in the door. As always, thank you for helping us take care of Olive.

Your correspondent,