Update for Amber

Update for Amber

Hello again, Amber sponsors! Another month, another story. This is a good one!

According to some of the Tabby’s Place staff, Amber has been much more friendly in the past few months. Barbara, a full timer at Tabby’s, told me that she thinks that Amber has lost some of her mean streak. She said that Amber thoroughly enjoys it when she pets her on the head and scratches her neck. Apparently Amber leans into Barb’s hands and rubs, along with – some purring!

In a related story, Nancy Meyer visited Amber this month. Nancy is a volunteer cat behaviorist who worked with Amber to reduce her aggression a few months ago. When Nancy entered Suite A, Amber walked right up to her and licked her on the nose!!! Can you imagine’’ Amber sounds like a whole new cat!

Unfortunately, I’m still a little wary of Amber, and I think she can tell. I’m going to try to get some good tips from Nancy on how to try to build a better relationship with Amber. I’ll keep you informed of anything helpful that I learn. Last time I saw Amber, I brought her some chicken flavored wet food. She definitely enjoyed it! She scarfed down about half of the plate, then decided that she was done, and promptly tried to cover the plate. It was very funny! Amber then allowed me to give her a few small pets on the head. I was hesitant to try anything else, and left it at that.

We also have news on the medical front. Amber is now getting a nutritional supplement in her wet food called Epakitin, which helps to lower renal values. So far, it seems to be helping. Amber also seems to have contracted a urinary tract infection. She’s currently on antibiotics for the infection, and should be fine in no time.

As always, thank you very much for your support of Amber. Until next month…