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Update for TNR Fund

Happy August, feral friends. This late summer missive finds last month’s munchkins thriving. The soup kittens, Miso, Borscht, Gazpacho and Chowder, are in robust good health — and, as of this weekend, Chowder is already in his forever home. Likewise, the tiny grey kittens with the extra-rough start to life have made a full recovery, […]

Update for TNR Fund

Dear TNR friends, A happy, loopy, altogether soupy July to you. Before you wonder if the humidity has gone to my brain, I’d like to introduce you to the fruits — make that the soups — of our latest Trap-Neuter-Return work: Chowder, Miso, Gazpacho and Borscht. We knew that at least one litter had been […]

Update for TNR Fund

Happy June, feral friends. Late spring has been a whirlwind for the wildest cats in the Tabby’s Place universe. First, let’s catch up with some old friends. Where we last left our creamsicle-colored not-so-feral mama and her kittens, they’d just been whisked from a Philadelphia warehouse to the safety of Tabby’s Place. First, the bad […]

Update for TNR Fund

Happy May, feral friends. In middle school, I had a strange, wonderful, strangely wonderful teacher who often urged us: “don’t sit on your hands.” Being a bunch of middle school noodleheads, we would typically take this as an invitation to literally sit on our literal hands. A buncha real comedians, we were. But Mr. V […]

Update for TNR Fund

Dear feral friends, Happy spring to you – and happy kitten season. If a peculiar bandit absconded with all of our calendars, we’d still know beyond doubt that we’ve hit springtime at Tabby’s Place. Feral cats are as clear as any DayTimer. Right on schedule, the kittens are popping up faster than daffodils. This month’s […]

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