Sponsor Updates for Newman

Update for Newman

Dear Newman friends, I hope this beautiful month of May brings you as much happiness as Newman has gratitude in his heart for you. Suite FIV has been a much mellower realm this month. This is almost certainly due to the fact that the cats once again have twice as much space; that is, the […]

Update for Newman

Greetings to Newman’s sponsors, Now that it’s absolutely official, happy Spring to you! This is the most fabulous time of year, when all earthly creatures begin to thaw out and soak in the warmth of the sun. And normally, there is nobody more anxious than Newman to soak in that warmth. But sometimes, there are […]

Update for Newman

Greetings to Newman’s sponsors, This has been a month of hope for Newman: hope that warmer days are on their way. He is missing his solarium time so much, but he’s ever grateful for the option to be indoors and toasty warm. On a recent visit to Tabby’s Place, I arrived a little later in […]

Update for Newman

Happy February, Newman supporters. First, the disappointing news: we haven’t heard a peep from the person who’d considered adopting Newman last month. This isn’t unusual, as adopters often reconsider, and we’d certainly prefer that someone carefully think it through before adopting a Special Needs kitty. Fortunately, Newman is completely unfazed by the news. He’s too […]

Update for Newman

Happy 2015 to Newman’s sponsors. Newman and all of us at Tabby’s Place are wishing that the new year brings you much love and happiness. Your continuous generosity has allowed for Newman to live a happy life while he awaits his forever home. The FIV suite has had some excitement this month. Newman and his […]

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