Sponsor Updates for Colleen

Update for Colleen

Dear Supporters of Colleen, The wonderful, great, fabulous news about Colleen continues this month. First, she looks beautiful. The regular acupuncture treatments have been continuing, and as I reported last month, the dermatitis and facial pawing are all but a thing of the past. Colleen’s complexion could grace the cover of any Cat Fancy magazine. […]

Update for Colleen

Dear supporters of Colleen, I stopped in the other day to see Colleen, and she looked different. Glowing. Beautiful. Now, with those deep shiny green eyes Colleen is a very stunning looking cat, quite the Irish Miss, but when she looked at me–face on–I was just struck–for that moment–with how “well” she looked. I picked […]

Update for Colleen

Dear Colleen Supporters, Even when I’m half way around the world–in China, to be exact–Colleen is never far from my thoughts. I have to admit, this month, because I was out of the country and traveling quite a bit, I didn’t get to spend the usual amount of time with her. And even when I […]

Update for Colleen

Dear Supporters of Colleen, I want to call it “being in heaven with Colleen,” But even if you don’t believe in life ever after, I think you still get the idea that I’m referring to a moment when you feel, well, that all is right with the world. Recently, I’ve been visiting with Colleen in […]

Update for Colleen

Dear Supporters of Colleen, I can remember when I first met Colleen, when she was lodged in one of the smaller suites, that the rumor buzzing around her was that she had tried to “escape” from her room. It seems that either a volunteer or one of the lovely ladies who works at Tabby’s Place […]

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