Sponsor Updates for Alex

Update for Alex

I am pleased to report that Alex continues to do well, medically. His skin problem has (thankfully) not returned and his appetite remains good. As you recall, while everyone else in the FIV Suite eats dry food, Alex gets wet food twice per day. To make sure that he gets his food, we feed him […]

Update for Alex

I am happy to report that Alex’s skin continues to imrpove, to the point where he no longer has any sores, scabs or other visible signs of a problem. He has stopped scratching and chewing on his skin and is a much happier boy. We’re still not sure whether it was the diet or the […]

Update for Alex

Shortly after the previous update, we decided that we wanted to know for certain that Alex’s skin condition was “just” an allergic reaction and not something more serious (e.g., cancer). So one of our vets did a “punch biopsy” of his skin in two areas. (A “punch biopsy” is done using a small surgical tool […]

Update for Alex

Though Alex’s overall health remains fine, his skin condition has taken a turn for the worse during this past month. We noticed that the small “bumps” had turned into crusty, scabby lesions all over his body. As mentioned in last month’s update, this condition is usually caused by food allergies. But, as we also discussed, […]

Update for Alex

As you are aware, we have lots of Special Needs cats at Tabby’s Place and we are used to worrying about our cats and keeping a close eye on them. But there is something about Alex that particularly tugs at our hearts. It is partly the double whammy he faces of FIV and heart disease. […]